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by SMO Team

Update: 2022-10-04 14:08:50
Do you want to know how your investments are performing? Use our free investment calculator for a realistic control of your goals.
Use our free Investment Calculator

Invest Successfully

If you want to invest successfully, you need a plan and you need to know the prerequisites of your goals.

Knowing the requirements for achieving a goal is one of the most important points for a successful implementation. 

But which goals are realistic? Which prerequisites are necessary? How much capital do I need to invest? What annual profits are necessary to achieve my goals?

All these questions can be easily illustrated by simulating an investment. You can use our free investment calculator for this purpose. 

It shows you what results are possible and how the investment will develop on average over time.

What aspects are important when planning your goals?

Goals should be realistic and describe a clear benefit. For example, one possible goal is "In 30 years, I will need $2,000,000 to live off dividend income as a retiree.''

For example, another goal is, "In 15 years, we will need $40,000 to be able to finance a good college education for our daughter.''

Define your goals

Define your goals as precisely as possible. With the free Investment Calculator, you can simulate what requirements must be met and what financial resources are necessary to achieve your goals. Based on this data, you can choose the appropriate strategy to achieve your goals with as little risk as possible.